AFAIK it is the only DAW with expression maps which are a huge hit in orchestral worlds - you get to choose every note's articulation. Ease of use it has, if used in a 'standard' way, but it also has real power. What DAW has a piano roll the most comparable to FL Studio? Alternately, which one is the best and worth me trying to change my workflow?įor me its Cubase 8.5, for power, not ease of use. Ultimately these are all somewhat minor nitpicky things, but my workflow is what it is and I don't want to change too much unless I have to. Hiding basic functions behind too many clicks feels like a real hindrance at points. Right click to delete notes also feels like a necessity to me. DP requires this sort of precision surgical approach where in FL Studio I can just click and drag around where I want it.įor me the ideal behavior is clicking to place a note, holding that initial click to change the pitch, and dragging the ends to change note length, and Cubase kind of fails me there. Digital Performer comes close to what I want, but editing note velocities is a pain and adding/removing notes isn't as simple as FL Studio.

Up until recently I worked ENTIRELY with mouse. The issue I'm having with other DAWs as I try them out is that none of them have a piano that's as intuitive or mouse-friendly as FL Studio. Editing cc data is a pain but nobody is perfect. Adding, removing, moving, editing, manipulating, whatever you want to do to your notes is very easy and quick and intuitive, and changing note velocities is exactly what I want. I work heavily with the mouse, though, and if there's one thing I love FL Studio for, it's the piano roll. It's awful for large scale midi compositions, and I'm trying to find my new home. I've been working with FL Studio for years and I'm totally fed up with it.