That will print “hi noob” in your chat window. It simply writes some text, variable name, or return to the chat window: /run print("hi noob") The print() function is just like echo in PHP or console logging in javascript. Next, we’ll look at something simple, like printing some text to your chat panel. That tells the macro to execute the LUA programming. To run some LUA code in your macros, first start with /run or /script. Here’s the completed achievement macro that I’ll be updating more at a later time. In this tutorial guide, I’ll show you how to make a simple LUA scripted macro that retrieves the amount of achievements you have completed. Macros are just tiny pieces of code compared to addons, but they can do just about as much as an addon can – if you can fit it inside for 255 characters. World of Warcraft macros and addons are built around a programming language called LUA. Complete list of Druid Symbiosis spell swap list.How to make a Mouseover macro for Wow with proper syntax.How to write a Castsequence macro for Wow with proper syntax.How to make a simple Wow macro with LUA script tutorial guide.List of Wow macro commands with explanations.How to use the (form) conditional in Wow macros.

All spells and abilities that are off the global cooldown (GCD).Complete list of Wow macro conditionals.